The Pi-oneers have created Pi-Partners, a program that provides an opportunity for the team to donate money and materials to underfunded or developing teams, along with donations to charitable organizations. A list of our partnerships or donations each year can be found below:
- Team 7555 (Robo Zilla)
- Team 8539 (Robo Eagles)
- Team 4475 (Purple Reign)
- Team 5640 (Pegasus Robotics)
- Team 5511 (Cortech Robotics)
- Team 5511 (Cortech Robotics)
- Team 5655 (KelRot)
- Team 5554 (The Poros Robotics)
- Make A Wish Foundation
- Team 228 (GUS)
- Whitfield Jr. Collection for Indian Orphanages
- Team 195 (CyberKnights)
- Team 4645 (Butte Built Bots)
- Team 6705 (Wildcat 5e)
- FTC Team 7555 (Maestro)
- Team 3339 (BumbleB)
- Team 8539 (ÖZKOÇ ROBOTİK)
- Make A Wish Foundation
- Memorial of Henry Griffin, Team 120
- Team 6705 (Wild Cat 5e)
- Team 4643 (RoboBees)
- Team 2587 (Discobots)
- FLL Jr. Team Hydropump
- FTC Team 9781 (Gravity Check)
- MSD Robotics Breaking Bot
- FTC Team 7846 (Suffren Cyborg Robotics)
- FRC Team 2191 (Flux Core Robotics)
- GoFundMe to help bring all girls robotics team fro Afghanistan to USA
- FLL Kahili Kai
- Team 7739 (Royal Tech Warriors)
- Team 8232 (Girl Gang)
- Team 7869 (Fun Gang)
- Team 5678 (Knightrise)
- FLL Team 481148 (Brickbeards)
- FLL Jr. Woodland Teams: 18416, 18415, 18417, 22975, and 2297
- Respiratory Therapists
- Team 6059 (Overload Robotics)
- Team 568 (Nerds of the North)
- Team 303 (The T.E.S.T Team)
- FLL Team 2432 (Team Pheonix)
- FLL Team 58 (The Riot Crew)
- Team 5130 (The Undercogs)
- Team 1739 (The Chicago Knights)
- Foothills Robotics
- Team 901
- Team 9015 (Questionable Engineering)
- Team 8280 (K9.0)
- FTC Team 11780 (Blue Box)
- Team 2556
- Team 2684 (Tech Titans)
- Team 8804 (Cyber Bears)
- Team 61064 (Golden Phoenix)