
Students who are part of the Mechanical Division fabricate all physical parts of the team’s robot. There are five Sub-Divisions under the Mechanical Division: Chassis, Electrical, Mechanical, Programming, Testing & Integration.


The chassis subdivision is responsible for creating the body or “chassis” of the robot. This is what allows the robot to move around on the field.


The electrical subdivision designs, builds, and maintains the robot’s electrical systems. They handle wiring, power distribution, sensor integration, and ensure all electrical components are safely and correctly connected. They also work closely with the programming team and troubleshoot electrical issues during build season and competitions.


The Mechanical subdivision prototypes, tests, and makes the apparatuses of the robot. We use these apparatuses to play the game how we see best. The mechanical team provides the programming, electrical, and chassis team something to work with. They form the backbone of the robot.


The programming subdivision is responsible for all of the code running on the robot. Whether it’s how the team controls the robot during matches or how the robot runs during the autonomous period, programming does it all. They recently switched to using Java to control the robot, utilizing the WPILib library to interface with the hardware.

Testing & Integration (T&I)

T&I is in charge of making sure all aspects of the robot work cohesively. This includes choosing the location of components, so they are in optimal positions, and so there are no conflicts or miscommunications between sub-divisions. If one component fails due to interference or vulnerability, the robot won’t work properly.