Since its inception in 2019, the Fall for STEAM fair has become a signature event for Team 1676. Initially launched as a vibrant, in-person event, the fair featured 25-30 booths each hosted by team members. These booths provided fun, interactive activities designed to spark interest in various STEAM fields—ranging from chemistry and engineering to computer science, animation, and web design. The Pi-oneers also showcased their robotics prowess through live demonstrations, allowing participants to engage directly with the robots.
The challenges of 2020 prompted an innovative virtual adaptation of the fair. The Community Outreach Project Group meticulously prepared and distributed boxes containing five interactive STEAM projects, tailored to represent each letter in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Participants joined in via a virtual platform to complete the activities with guidance from the Pi-oneers, culminating the event with educational shares about FIRST and a showcase of the team’s robot through a video presentation.
As the event resumed in-person format in subsequent years, it continued to attract over 200 K-8 students and their parents annually, maintaining its interactive essence with hands-on activities that inspire and educate. The fair not only promotes STEAM education but also serves as a platform for community engagement, further demonstrating the Pi-oneers’ commitment to fostering a love for science and technology in younger generations.